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What Clients are Saying

“Sonya delivered an excellent workshop for the Women of Wind River. The Top 10 Tips for Managing Your Careerdiscussions and the Authentic Personal Brandingexercises helped attendees take stock of their value and create personal branding messages to highlight differentiation. In addition, we learned how important it is to mentor each other and learn to be our own best cheerleaders. I highly recommend Sonya as she has a wide range of experience that spans many roles.” Amy Walsh, Corporate Sales Director

“I really enjoyed the Authentic Personal Branding session and found it very helpful. I can’t wait to schedule this workshop for my whole firm. Elizabeth Pappy, Law Firm Partner

“The Work-Life Vision retreat clarified the course of my life and business. I was extremely overwhelmed by the scattered demands and feeling burned-out. My business had taken over my life and I felt like I was failing at my home life. I had planned a quiet summer with my three children then blew it up with work commitments and travel. The questions Sonya asked me to answer authentically helped me simplify what I wanted at work and needed at home. As a business owner, it’s essential for me to integrate my work life with my family non-negotiables, like taking my children to school and picking them up! Sonya helped me develop a business plan to do that.” Graciela Tiscareno-Sato, CEO, Publisher & Keynote Speaker, Gracefully Global Group LLC

“The Top 10 Tips to Manage Your Careerpresentation really helped me see some glaring realities about my work situation. With this epiphany, I was able to make some helpful choices–and to redirect my energies where I really wanted and needed them to go. I would recommend it to everyone!”  Jennie Van Heuit, Senior Software Engineer

“Mentoring women is so essential, especially in the aviation industry where there are very few female pilots. During the Mentoring workshop, we learned the importance of looking for a mentor in the same space we are in and the value of getting together with people in different areas of business. The different perspectives can help us grow and learn.” Ana Uribe Ruiz, Pilot

“I had an amazingly fun time and really appreciated the Vision Board workshop. It helped me clarify my goals and I was able to build a vision board that depicted exactly what I wanted. It hangs in my office where I am inspired on a daily basis. Velia Anderson, Designer

Sonya is amazing because she is creative and intellectual. She’s patient (thank goodness) and uses her intuition to guide me in a way that I’m comfortable with. I really appreciate that! Her body of work is incredibly impressive and she uses every bit of it to help her clients. I am so fortunate to have received her guidance in starting my business (and the work continues). Thank you, Sonya! Elysia Skye,Stress Reduction & Mindfulness Coach